Friday, March 7, 2014


One thing to remember is there will always be someone to support you though a difficult time don't be afraid to talk about what's bothering you. if you hold on to how you feel how do you expect it to stop or go away. Some people will go in to self harm as they don't know who they can tell but friends a family are all ways there to help and are often the most concerned for you. Don't late your self hold in how you feel this wont help Open up. if you don't have someone to talk to, go see a counselor or call a help or youth line. if your still in school most schools have counselors you can go and see and there are lots of youth lines that you can call and everything is keep between you and them. so LET IT GO :D ( everything will change) You'll be a lot happier and healthier. Enjoy your day -Elana 

My friends and family are my support system. They tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear and they are there for me in the good and bad times. Without them I have no idea where I would be and I know that their love for me is what's keeping my head above the water.
Kelly Clarkson

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